A lack of self-trust can have consequences on your daily life, such as not being able to pick what to eat for dinner, but a lack of self-trust also has a bigger impact on your life such as preventing you from chasing your dreams fro example. A lack of self-trust can make you feel less confident and it can cause anxiety.

However, when you manage to trust yourself, you have this beautiful feeling of being in control of your life and your decisions, confidently.  

In this article, I compiled 6 tips to help build self-trust so you can achieve this beautiful state of being able to trust yourself.


If you want to know how to trust yourself more on a daily basis, keep reading! 

1. Be more self-assertive when making decisions

 Are you bad at decision-making?

Are you always afraid of making the wrong decision, of what could go wrong next? 

 The problem is that this can harm your ability to trust yourself. 

 Your self-trust decreases a bit more whenever you are not able to make a decision, whenever you question your decisions.

Similarly, if you start to make decisions, without spending too much time thinking about it, you will consequently build more self-trust.

And the more you will do it, the more you will trust yourself.


How to become better at decision-making?

 > Don’t overthink

 I’ve noticed that an easy way for me to become better at decision-making was to stop overthinking so much.

I used to overthink everything, even the simplest things such as what to eat for dinner. And this used to take a lot of my time and energy, while seriously decreasing my self-trust at the same time.

However, once I discovered the power of not overthinking things, I became a lot better at making decisions, and consequently at trusting myself.

So my friend, next time you have to make a decision, big or small, try not to overthink it too much.

Make a choice, based on your intuition if you wish to. Thhat usually works quite well, and then most importantly, stick to that choice.

Don’t change your mind, don’t consider other options.

Try not to spend too much time thinking about the decision you just made. Don’t ask yourself “Did I make the best possible decision?

Simply try to trust yourself, trust that you made just the right decision.

And be assertive with it.

Trusting that you made the right decision is just going to be enough!

Don’t worry so much about making the right, perfect decision, but rather focus on being assertive with it, and especially, focus on the feeling of self-trust. That is the most important. 

Regarding the right or wrong decision, don’t worry about it. Over time, and with life experience, you’ll get to know better how to make the right decision. That will come naturally.

The more you will be able to make decisions, the more you will know how to make the right decision.

It’s just a matter of practice!

For now, just focus on being assertive and the one thing that is for sure is that your self-trust will improve. Your ability to make decisions will help you to trust yourself more in the long run. And that’s all you need my friend!

2. Make promises to yourself 

Of course, trusting yourself is not something that happens overnight. It takes time and that’s why the most efficient way to do it is to start with small steps.  

One of the ways is to start by making promises to yourself.

Here I’m not talking about involving anyone else, but it’s about strengthening the relationship you have with yourself. 

Here, your accountability partner is simply yourself!


How to start making promises to yourself?

Start small, start very small. Here the point is to really focus on the promises you made to yourself and to show yourself that you can do it, that you can indeed trust yourself.

So it’s not so much about the promise itself, but rather about the fact that you can fulfill that promise, that commitment that you made to yourself. 

Building a trustworthy relationship with yourself works the same way you build a trustworthy relationship with others.

It’s not any different!

You see, we are not so likely to trust someone that doesn’t stick to his/her promises. And once that trust has been broken, it is really hard to get it back.

And the more that person will fail to fulfill what he/she promised to, the less we will trust that person. 

However, if you know someone that always sticks to their promises, you probably trust that person very much. So try to apply that same “trust-building method” method with yourself to improve your self-trust!

You will see my friend, once you have kept several promises to yourself, your self-trust will immediately improve.

Over time, your self-trust levels will definitely be strong. 

Whenever you will commit yourself and that you will be able to stick to it, you will automatically gain more self-rust. 

Which kind of promise can you make to yourself to start with?

For example, I suggest that you start by breaking a habit you have been meaning to break for a long time but that you have never really managed to.

Let’s say you’d like to eat more healthy and include more fruits in your daily diet. I would advise you to approach it by keeping track of your diet daily.

You can easily do it by using a habit tracker. Tick a box for each day you have managed to eat healthily.

The act of ticking a box will tell your brain that’s an indication of self-trust.

The more boxes you’ll tick, the more will know you can trust yourself.

Once you have managed to fulfill a promise you made to yourself, you could even write it down so you can have proof that you can trust yourself for the times when you start having doubts about it. 

That’s also a good opportunity to achieve your goals are break/start habits you had been meaning to for while building self-trust at the same time. 🙂


3. Be yourself

Being yourself contributes greatly to building self-trust because when you decide to be yourself, you are no longer afraid of what people think.

You are no longer afraid of being judged by others.

Why do we feel that we can’t be ourselves around others?

Well, that’s exactly because we are afraid of being judged by others.

So, to feel “safe”, we just decide to fit in.

And what does it mean in practice? It means losing a bit of yourself, a bit of your authentic true self. 

The problem is that if you try to be a different person than you truly are, just to fit in, you will never be able to trust yourself.


How to be more yourself?

 > Learn to recognize the instances when you are not being yourself

You can start by being more self-aware of your behavior.

Start by identifying those moments when you are doing something to fit in, in order not to be judged – rather than doing that thing for yourself.

For example, it could be when there is a conversation going on and you don’t dare to say that you don’t like something that everyone else does.

If you either remain silent or go as far as telling that you actually like that thing that you don’t like in reality, that’s a good indication that you are not being yourself!

Or for example, maybe you’re not so much into drinking alcohol so ideally, you wouldn’t have alcohol.

Let’s say you are at a party and because of peer pressure, the fear of being judged, the fear of not fitting in – you will just accept any drink you are offered.

That’s another instance where you can identify that you are not actually being true to yourself and standing by your opinions and needs. 

To be more yourself, just start by gathering examples of situations where you recognize you have not been acting 100% yourself just because you were afraid of not fitting in and being judged by others. 


 > Be yourself!

Don’t forget that it’s completely fine to be yourself, my friend! It’s completely fine to be different.

It’s ok to be different, it’s ok to be yourself!

It’s even a good thing if you can stand out.

It’s a very good thing if you have different opinions than others.

Being different is not so scary.

If you are surrounded by the right kind of people that are open-minded enough, they won’t judge you for being different.

 The more you will be comfortable being yourself and making your own choices, the more you’ll be able to be true to yourself, the more you’ll be able to trust yourself.


4. Become the person you would trust the most

Now, let me ask you a question: who do you trust in your life?

Take some time to think about those people. Once you have identified them, ask yourself: why do you trust these people?

 Why do you think these people are trustworthy?

Is it because they have succeeded at something?

Is it because they have healthy habits?

Once you have identified the characteristics that make you trust someone, get inspired and work on acquiring those characteristics yourself so you become more trustworthy in your eyes. 

5. Get to know yourself better

 One of the reasons why we might not trust somebody is probably because we don’t know that person well enough.

I mean, we usually don’t trust strangers.

However the more we get to know someone, the more trust we tend to have in that person. 

Well, it doesn’t work differently when it comes to trusting yourself!

The more you will know yourself, the more you will trust yourself.


Because you will simply be more comfortable with who you are, your goals, your values, making it a lot easier to accept and trust your own decisions are going to be the right ones. 


How can you get to know yourself better?

  > Discover what you like

Well, that can actually be a fun process! 

I mean, getting to know yourself better also means getting to know what you like, what you enjoy doing.

What you like defines your identity for some part.

There are many ways to get to know yourself better, and discovering what you like is one of them.

So here is a good opportunity to explore new hobbies and find new activities that will spark joy in you, that makes you smile and happy.

In addition to getting to know yourself more, you’ll get to do something new and fun!


 > Journal to discover yourself

Another way to getting to know yourself better is to become more aware of your thoughts, of what’s on your mind.

You can get to know yourself better by becoming aware of what is important for you, of the goals you want to achieve.

What about your values?

Take some time to reflect on those, it will give a good idea of who you are!

I suggest you take a journal and reflect on the following topics, for example:

  • What’s concurrently on your mind?
  • What are your goals?
  • What are your dreams?
  • What are your values?
  • What is important to you?
  • What are your skills? What are you good at?
  • etc.

 > Enjoy spending more time with yourself

 Sometimes, we are afraid of spending time alone with ourselves simply because we don’t trust ourselves.

And that’s because we don’t trust ourselves and our opinions that prefer to spend time with others. 

You see, the issue when you don’t spend enough time with yourself is that you cannot really listen to your thoughts, so that’s why it is so essential to make time and room for them by spending some time alone. 

 When you constantly spend time with others, you’re surrounded by other’s opinions and it makes it quite difficult to take time to reflect on what you truly think about a certain topic, without being influenced by what others think for example. 

 Spending time with yourself is a great way to get to know yourself better.

When you spend time with yourself, you get to know better your own opinions, your own thoughts, and consequently, you become more comfortable with those. 

 As you spend more time with yourself, you also get to trust your intuition more, you get to develop your inner voice.

Having a strong intuition really helps with self-trust because it makes decision-making a lot easier.

When you have a strong intuition, you can make choices more easily because your intuition will automatically guide you towards the right decision, leaving no room for overthinking. 

6. Ditch the negative self-talk

One of the reasons why we cannot trust ourselves is usually because of negative self-talk.

Negative self-talk is quite powerful at convincing you that are not trustworthy.

“You cannot do this, you cannot do that.”

“You’re not good enough.”

There is no way you can trust yourself if you constantly listen to negative self-talk. 

 Negative self-talk dwells on well… Negativity.

And It always sees everything from a negative perspective. It only focuses on “mistakes”, things that were done “wrong”. 

Negative self-talk is harsh, it’s judging and it always brings you down. 

There are two ways to deal with a situation when let’s say you have made a “mistake”.

You can either blame yourself and tell yourself that you’re not good enough. That’s called negative self-talk.

Or, you can decide to be more gentle with yourself and tell yourself that it is okay, it’s not a big deal.

Mistakes happen, that’s life. 

You can even decide to deal with this situation from a constructive point of view by making it a learning opportunity.

You can learn from that mistake so you don’t have to do it again next time you are in a similar situation.

Dealing with a situation that way will help you build self-trust.

Giving up on negative self-talk is a necessary step if you want to trust yourself more.

I have a whole article dedicated to silencing negative self-talk!

If you want to know how to stop negative self-talk, check out this article

Conclusion : how to trust yourself ?

Self-trust is a key element to build self-confidence. Trusting yourself helps you make better decisions, it helps you to be yourself but it also helps you to be more trustworthy in the eyes of others.

Others can sense when you have high levels of self-trust, which consequently makes others trust you more and take yourself more seriously. 


What is your favorite way to build self-trust? Let me know by leaving a comment below 🙂


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 Welcome! Nice to meet you!

Hi, I’m Marine! Because of a lack of self-confidence, I used to think that a happy life was a privilege reserved only for others and that I didn’t deserve it myself. I was letting others step on me, to disrespect me and to decide for me. I was simply missing out on my own life without even realizing it… Until one day, I woke up and I decided it was enough. Becoming more self-confident transformed my life as I finally dared to stand for who I truly am. Today, my goal is to help you become more self-confident so that you can achieve your true potential and feel more fulfilled! Let me support you on this life-changing journey! Are you in? 🙂