Being self-confident is as easy as brushing your teeth in the morning! Wait, what? Isn’t self-confidence that unreachable thing that only others, more fortunate people have?

Well, to be more accurate, self-confidence is rather the holy grail of habit building! So, similarly to brushing your teeth in the morning self-confidence can become part of your daily life without you even having to think about it.

How? Well, because they are both based on habits. The more you repeat them, the more natural they become.

This study from Duke University shows that up to 45% of all our daily behaviors are automatic.

Do you see the potential to build self-confidence? This makes a lot of room to build self-confidence on autopilot!

In this article, I share with you the most powerful self-confidence building habits and the best tips to get started so that you can/in order for you to start putting them into practice in your daily life.

1. Self-Confident People Start the Day on the Right Foot

From early morning, self-confident people set the tone a for a day filled with confidence.

They make a promise to themselves that no matter what, they will keep a positive and confident mindset throughout the day.

How do you start your day feeling self-confident?

> Set your goals for the day

Every morning, before going to school, work, or running errands, I suggest that you set your goals for the day. Write a realistic to-do list.

Knowing what you need to accomplish during the day keeps you motivated all day long and gives you the confidence you need to face the day.

Needless to mention the oh so satisfactory feeling you get in the evening when you can cross things off your to-do list.

From now on, make sure you have a clear idea about what you are about to accomplish before leaving home.

> Sit down for a moment and sip on inspiring content

I highly recommend that you take a few minutes in the morning to you start your day with inspiring, motivating content.

Reading inspiring quotes is one of my favorite ways to put myself in the right mindset.  

I’m a big fan of quotes because even if they only take a couple of seconds to read, they still have a very powerful impact on your confidence and motivation levels.

I also recommend that you start your day by reading positive affirmations.

If you haven’t downloaded your free ebook “30 quotes”, wait no longer and download it HERE now.


2. Self-Confident People Are Not Afraid of Making Mistakes

Self-confident people are not afraid of making mistakes. They have no problems admitting they don’t know everything about anything.

They don’t get offended if it turns out they were actually wrong about something.

They don’t think other people will make fun of them or think less of them.

They know that there isn’t such thing as perfectionism. They are not afraid of making mistakes.

On the contrary, self-confident people embrace their mistakes and they see them as learning opportunities.

How do you overcome the fear of making mistakes?

> Record your mistakes and learn from them

Next time you make a mistake, I suggest that you see it as a great learning opportunity: take a piece of paper and answer the following questions:

  • Why did I make this mistake?
  • What could I have done better?
  • Is there something more I should have known?

This way you make sure that next time you are in the same situation, you won’t make the same mistake again!

And remember: you are not your mistakes and your mistakes don’t define who you are.

3. Self-Confident People Trust Themselves

Self-confident trust themselves. As I mentioned earlier, self-confident people don’t overthink too much and they’d rather take action.

They know that overthinking and inaction isn’t going to help them reach their goals.

How can you trust yourself more?

> Know your strengths  

Start trusting yourself by being aware of your strengths.

When you know what your strengths are,  it’s much easier to trust yourself because you know that you have what it takes to achieve whatever you want to achieve.

So don’t wait any longer and write down all your strengths.

Next time you start self-doubting, read your strengths list and start trusting yourself again!

> Remind Yourself of All Your Achievements

Don’t ever downplay your previous achievements, or take them for granted!

And even more importantly, don’t forget what you have already achieved.

Far from being vain, reminding yourself of your achievements (big and small) is a powerful way to remind yourself of your abilities. To remind yourself of what you’ve already been able to accomplish in the past.

Reminding yourself of your previous achievements gives you the proof that yes, you can definitely trust yourself in case knowing your strengths isn’t enough.

It gives you all the ultimate credibility you need to finally trust yourself.

> Don’t listen to others

I know how hard it can be not to be influenced by what others say, and how difficult it is not to be impacted by the judgment of others.

And needless to mention how comparing ourselves with others can be discouraging… 

Even when our friends are benevolent and give their opinion based on the fact that they want the best your us, you should actually still listen to yourself.


Because you know better.

Yes, you heard it correct my friend. You have the answer.

Deep down, you know what is good for you.

But because we lack self-trust, we always prefer to refer to the opinions of others. Just to double-check, just to make sure we are taking the right decisions.

However, when we ask others’ opinion, most of the time we end up being more confused and lost than ever.

The problem is that when you hear too many external opinions, you distance yourself from your internal voice, your own intuition.

While it’s great to be open to different opinions and listen to what your friends have to say, I advise you to stick to what feels right to you in the end.

So learn to trust yourself more and rely less on other’s opinions.

Learn to go with the flow. Don’t let external opinions take too much room.  

Try not to be too influenced by them and slowly learn to trust your intuition, because deep down you have the answer.

And above all, don’t listen to any negative, uninspiring and discouraging opinions.

So try to distance yourself to any external opinions and judgments and rather focus on your own internal voice!

When you finally manage to trust yourself, you become more brave and courageous because you have learned one important lesson.

You know that you can trust and rely on yourself. You know that your insight knowledge of yourself makes your opinion good enough to follow.

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5. Self-Confident People Are Good at Making Decisions

Because they trust themselves, self-confident people are not afraid of taking action.

Self-confident don’t spend too much time overthinking because they know that acting – as opposed to inaction –  is going to bring them more results.

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” Theodore Roosevelt

How can you make decisions more easily?

> Don’t overthink

In order to slowly train your brain to stop overthinking, I suggest that you start with things that have the smallest impact.

For example, if you are used to overthinking things such as deciding on what to eat/cook/order for dinner, from now on I suggest that you just pick whatever comes to your mind first.

Just make a quick decision based on what feels best to you and to trust that it’s going to be a very fine option!

I am myself very guilty for that.

“Should we go out to eat? Should we stay at home? If we go out, what kind of food do we want? But how about staying home instead so we can watch a movie? But then what should we cook? Which ingredients do we need? What if we regret it?”

Yep, that’s real stuff! I know the struggle!


Not overthinking the smallest things will train your brain not to overthink and the less you will overthink, the easier it will become to make decisions quickly.

You will then be able to do this also regarding more important decisions.

It’s just about getting used to listening to yourself and your intuition, and having confidence on your decisions.

When it comes come to actually bigger decisions, if you catch yourself overthinking just stop considering all the different options available to you.

I suggest that you write all the possible options on a piece of paper and that you don’t think about them anymore until the following day.

You will see that after a good night’s sleep your mind will be much more clear and the right decision will stand out among all the options.

You will be able to decide more easily.

I personally often use this trick and it really helps to find peace of mind when I’m torn between several options.

> Make a decision

And just one! Having too many options and considering each of them can be overwhelming.

Over-analyzing every possible option will only result in prevent you from acting.

6. Self-Confident People Take Risks

Self-confident people not only take actions, but they also take risks because they are not afraid of failing.

They also know that taking risks is the only way to success.

Self-confident people don’t always go for the most comfortable option. They think long-term and are willing to get out of their comfort zone if they know that it will help them achieve their goals.

Again, the more times you will dare to task risks, the less afraid you will be to take them.

Overtime, daring to take risks can become one of your most powerful habits!

How can you take more risks?

To me, taking risks requires a bit of mental preparation and putting things in perspective so the idea of taking risks becomes less… risky.

In order for you to take risks more easily, I suggest that you ask yourself two simple questions. The first questions is:

“If I take that risk, what is the worst thing that can happen?”

Is the worst that can happen actually that bad? I think there is a good chance that you would actually just go back to square one where you were before taking the risk. Although it might be frustrating, it’s still possible to learn from it and move on.

The second question you should ask yourself is the following:

“If I don’t take that risk now, will I regret it later?”

Here, by not taking the risks you might not only go back to square one but, above all, you might just miss a lifetime opportunity.

An opportunity to succeed.

An opportunity to be happier.  

An opportunity that would have been well worth taking a leap of faith.


Let me share with you that beautiful quote.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain.

7. Self-Confident People Focus on the Positive

Self-confident don’t pay attention to negative and unhelpful thoughts.

Self-confident people don’t listen to people who discourage them.

In addition to not paying attention to negative thoughts coming from others, self-confident people also don’t listen to their own negative self-talk.

Self-confident people don’t dwell on the negative. Instead, they try to find the positive in any situation.

Because they know that having a negative mindset will prevent them from achieving their goals, they rather focus on positivity and spend time building a positive mindset.

In other words, self-confident people see the glass half full!

How can you achieve a more positive mindset?

First of all, disregard any negativity by:

  • Not listening to any discouraging thoughts and opinions
  • Silencing your negative self-talk

In this article, I talk about the different techniques you can use to silence negative self-talk for good.  

And focus on the positive by:

  • Focusing on your positive experiences 
  • Reminding yourself of your achievements
  • Being grateful

Instead of dwelling on negative experiences and for example ruminating on the last math exam you didn’t pass, I suggest that you keep track of positive episodes.

Be grateful by reminding yourself of all your positive experiences.

Remind yourself of the last bad habit you managed to kill, look for the signs of progress you are doing at the moment, remind yourself of all the things that went well today.  

Remind yourself of your past achievements, big and small.


Once again, grab your achievement list!

It’s such a useful tool on your journey to self-confidence.

8. Self-Confident People Practice Self-Care

Self-confident take care of themselves because they know how important it is to be healthy in order to their achieve goals.

They know that if their body fails them, they won’t feel motivated.

They know that if they feel like crap, they will lose their confidence.

Therefore, they practice self-care on a daily basis to make sure their body can support them throughout their journey.

Here are my suggestions to start taking of yourself:

> Eat healthy food

If you eat a healthy balanced diet, providing you with all the minerals and vitamins you need throughout the day, you not only take of yourself, but you also tell your body how important it is by giving it all the love and the attention it needs.


Plus, having a healthy diet keeps you fueled throughout the day, providing you with you the energy you need to achieve your tasks of the day.

> Exercise

While exercising can truly boost your self-esteem and your self-image by changing your body shape, exercising also gives an incredible energy boost that ends up making you feel more confident.

Feel good and give your body all the care it deserves!

> Get more sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, your energy levels are low and therefore you don’t give yourself all the best chances to start the day off right.

Your brain can’t react and function at is best, and it consequently lowers your self-confidence.


I personally do notice the difference when I haven’t had enough hours of sleep: I wake up, feeling foggy, unable to make sharp decisions.

I’m a slow, unproductive and uninspired.

I just don’t feel confident.

So yes, I really see the difference. Therefore, getting enough sleep is now at the top of my priority list.

> Practice self-compassion

As I mentioned earlier, it as about treating yourself and addressing yourself in an understanding, non-judgemental way.  

Don’t beat yourself up for gaining a few pounds. Don’t criticize yourself.

Silence those negative voices for good.

9. Self -Confident People Regularly Try New Things

Self-confident are constantly on the outlook to learn new skills. They are not afraid of getting their hands dirty.

As I mentioned it earlier, self-confident have no problems recognizing they don’t know everything about anything, and they are willing to learn how to do new things.  

They know they can always fill their gaps in their knowledge by learning.

Here so here my suggestions for you:

> Learn something new

Not knowing how to do something can make you feel insecure and impact your self-esteem. However, anything can be learned.

And honestly, we are very lucky to live at a time where learning a new skill has never been that easy.

You can find a lot of content for free online.

There are thousands of courses and tutorial. You can also save time by listening to an audiobook while commuting or cleaning house.

Learning has never been made that easy, so take advantage of this opportunity. 🙂

Next time you realize you don’t how to do something, just learn it.

Just tell yourself that if you don’t know how to do it yet, it’s just a matter of weeks before you master it!

It can be anything, any new skills needed at work, in your daily life such as cooking a new meal, painting your walls…

You will not only grow your self-confidence but also become less dependent and you can then proudly claim “I can now do it myself!”.

> Try a new hobby

If there’s something you’ve always wanted to learn, now it’s the perfect time to get started!

Learn how to play a new instrument, how to draw, learn a new language.. . just begin that hobby you never dared to start.

I’m going to tell you one major key to self-confidence. Are you ready?

Confidence comes from doing.

You will see that once you have started to make progress, gained more knowledge and mastered your craft, your confidence will naturally grow.

To me, the real power of starting something new consist of proving yourself that you have abilities.

From there, you automatically will start to have more self-belief.



By slowly introducing those new habits into your daily life, you can effortlessly build your self-confidence.

Beyond making you feel more confident, those practices will provide with extra benefits such as helping you to lead a healthier lifestyle, expanding your knowledge and offering you new opportunities to succeed.

Was this useful? What is your favorite habit to build your self-confidence on a daily basis? Let me know in the comment section below! 🙂

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 Welcome! Nice to meet you!

Hi, I’m Marine! Because of a lack of self-confidence, I used to think that a happy life was a privilege reserved only for others and that I didn’t deserve it myself. I was letting others step on me, to disrespect me and to decide for me. I was simply missing out on my own life without even realizing it… Until one day, I woke up and I decided it was enough. Becoming more self-confident transformed my life as I finally dared to stand for who I truly am. Today, my goal is to help you become more self-confident so that you can achieve your true potential and feel more fulfilled! Let me support you on this life-changing journey! Are you in? 🙂